Whether you’ve been sidelined by an injury or have undergone surgery that requires you to be less active than normal or simply have decided to take a break from all of your rigorous training, your muscles are going to suffer from the lack of activity.  There are a number of factors that go into how quickly you’ll lose your fitness level and strength.  Studies have shown that as much as 80% of your overall strength can be lost in just 2 weeks without activity.  If you are incredibly fit and have been training for years, you might be able to hang onto your fitness level for 3 months.  That’s it!

Did you know that in the beginning of just the fourth decade of life, there is a natural  and gradual decline in muscle mass (catabolism), strength and function due to the metabolic changes and the more sedentary lifestyle that accompanies aging.  As we age, are kidneys also have a more difficult time processing the by-products of proteins.

If you combine both of the above factors, you definitely have your work cut out for you.  So, what’s the answer or is there an answer even?  How can you maintain the most of your fitness level and muslce mass/strength if you’ve sustained an injury, just had surgery or simply needed a break?  Is there anything that you can do if you’re in the 40 and over crowd to help turn back time and slow down/reverse the muscle catabolism your body is undergoing?

GREAT news!!  Research has shown Essential Amino Acid (EAA) supplementation at specific doses in advanced age, bed rest and recovery form surgery have demonstarted important benefits.  These benefits include stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (muscle growth/development), enhancemnets in muscle strength and improvements in functional parameters of the studied muscles.

The goal, get the most bang for your buck out of any amino acid supplement you’re taking or going to take.  Get the best results in increasing muscle growth/development, strength and function with putting the least amount of load on your kidneys.  There are a number of proteins and amino acids supplements out on the market.  Here’s what I recommend:

PureShock Amino represents a breakthrough in the use of amino acids for muscle protein synthesis.  With over 20 human trials, this specific, patent-pending combination of amino acids has been developed.  Whether you want to support muscle strength and function or prevent muscle loss associated with inactivity or aging, amino provides the right amino acids in the right ratios to help you meet your goals and stay healthy.


If you’re looking for an excellent amino acid supplement, here’s our favorite:

Amino Acid Complex

  • Fast Absorption – Complete Absorption – Take ½ the Dose of Protein and Get Double the Result
  • Supports Muscle Recovery After Exercise
  • Supports Muscle Strength and Function
  • Supports Muscle and Joints
  • Prevents Muscle Loss due to Injury/Surgery/Aging
  • Supports Muscle Protein Synthesis in the Young and the Elderly

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