Improving overall brain function and health is a choice you make every day. Our lifestyle habits/routines, good or bad, will be the biggest influence over our overall health. If improving the quality of life you and your family live is important to you be happy in knowing it doesn’t have to be hard. It’s a learning process and something that can be implemented as quickly or slow and steadily as you choose. The important detail is you’ve decided to take the first steps in improving you and your family’s future. Last week, I wrote about what type of diet you should implement to optimize brain health. If you’re not quite ready to make all of the changes in your diet for whatever reason, here’s another great way to start or add to any changes you are making to help ensure you’re improving the function and health of your brain, nervous system and overall health. Below you’ll see that I’ve detailed out some of the most important nutrients for optimizing brain health. I’ve given the rationale as to why these vital nutrients should be added to your daily regimen and then have highlighted my favorite sources of them.
Research is suggesting elevating brain magnesium content via increasing magnesium intake might be a useful new strategy to enhance cognitive abilities. Moreover, studies suggest nearly 80% of the population in industrialized countries has a magnesium deficit, which increases with aging. This may very well contribute to age-dependent memory decline; increasing magnesium intake might prevent or reduce such decline. Magnesium enhances synaptic plasticity, which may very well be an important key to the future of brain health.
Neuro – Contains a blend of Magnesium Malate, Magnesium L-Glycinate and Magtein (Magnesium L-Threonate), the only form of magnesium proven in animal studies to cross the blood-brain barrier. Boosting the brain’s magnesium level is vital to health cognition, which includes long- and short-term memory, learning, stress management and sleep.
- Supports healthy levels of magnesium in the brain
- Supports healthy nervous system communication (synapse number and function)
- Supports cognitive health
- Supports stress management, sleep quality and a health mood
- Helps ensure an optimal magnesium intake for overall health
Omega Fatty Acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the overall health and wellbeing of your body. They are essential nutrients, meaning we have to get them from our foods. You’ll find these omega-3’s in fish predominantly, krill, algae and some plants and nut oils. In order to get the proper dosaging however, you’d have to eat these foods in mass quantities on a regular basis, which could pose a different issue. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and are important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems. As a result, high doses of omega-3’s, specifically DHA, are suggested to pregnant women. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.
Source: Omega-3 fatty acids | University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/omega3-fatty-acids#ixzz3mU1GR0ci
University of Maryland Medical Center
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Omega 900 – Is International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) five-star certified, which assures the highest level of purity, stability and potency in fish oils. Each dose of this concentrated fish oil provides 900 mg of EPA and DHA and is delivered in a small, fish-gelatin–based softgel. The softgels are covered with a GRAS-certified enteric coating so that they are easy to swallow and the EPA/DHA content is optimally absorbed. EPA and DHA from fish oil promote wellness by supporting cardiovascular health, cytokine balance, joint health, and brain and nervous system function.
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Supports mental functioning
- Supports healthy glucose and insulin metabolism
- Helps reduce inflammation
DHA – DHA from Algae contains the conditional omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA is highly concentrated in brain synaptosomes (critical area in nerve signaling), the cerebral cortex, the mitochondria (the “powerhouse” of the cell where all ATP/energy is produced) and retina. It plays an important role in the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes and cellular communication, and supports optimal function of the brain, eyes and immune system. This patented, processed formula is derived from marine algae.
- Provides supplemental omega 3’s from a non-fish source
- Provides DHA for use in brain, eye and cell membrane development and function
- Supports immune health and helps regulate inflammation
- Supports healthy blood lipid levels already in healthy ranges
If you’ve ever “gone with your gut” to make a decision or felt “butterflies in your stomach” when nervous, you’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain. Hidden in the walls of the digestive system, this “brain in your gut” is revolutionizing medicine’s understanding of the links between digestion, mood, health and even the way you think. Scientists call this little brain the enteric nervous system (ENS). And it’s not so little. The ENS is two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum.
Focus is quickly turning to the gut-brain connection for not just gut and brain related symptoms and illnesses but for the root cause of all dysfunction in the body. The gut microbiome refers to the microorganisms, predominately bacteria (somewhere on the order of 10 to 100 trillion) and their genes, living within the human gut. Many of these microorganisms are in fact essential for good health. When the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut is disrupted, disease can occur.
To keep it simple for now, if this gut microbiome gets out of balance, our body’s are no longer functioning at optimal levels and we begin down the path of symptoms and disease. This can occur from the usage of anti-biotics, eating poor diets containing too much sugars and foods that have been altered through the use of antibiotics/hormones or have been genetically changed (Genetically modified organsisms – GMO’s), experiencing chronic stress, overexposure to environmental toxins and more.
The easiest answer is to support the gut/brain/immune systems with the use of probiotics. You can also consume foods that stimulate the production of the good bacteria in the gut as well, like fermented foods. I would steer away from yogurts containing probiotics as it’s been shown you’d have to consume nearly 40 tubs of the stuff to even come close to reaching enough probiotics to make a difference. Unfortunately, it would all be for not as well since the amount of sugars you would have just consumed would defeat the whole purpose.
Probiotic Boost – is a vegetarian, dairy- and gluten-free, four-strain probiotic totaling 30 billion CFU per capsule. Each vegetarian capsule is sealed in nitrogen-purged aluminum blister packs to serve as protection from factors proven to compromise stability of probiotics such as heat, moisture, and oxygen. Probiotic Boost provides four researched strains of beneficial bacteria, including the extensively studied HN019 strain of Bifidobacterium lactis. These live microorganisms have proven health benefits and well-established safety, and have been tested for epithelial cell adhesion and/or resistance to low pH.
- Helps maintain a healthy intestinal microecology
- Supports the natural immune response
- Supports bowel regularity
- Supports lactose digestion
Vitamin D3:
The “sunshine vitamin” has been pushed for its wellknown benefits involving bone health and regulating calcium levels, as well as aiding in cancer prevention. Scientists have now linked this fat-soluble nutrient’s hormonelike activity to a number of functions throughout the body, including the workings of the brain. “We know there are receptors for vitamin D throughout the central nervous system and in the hippocampus,” said Robert J. Przybelski, a doctor and research scientist at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. “We also know vitamin D activates and deactivates enzymes in the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth.” In addition, animal and laboratory studies suggest vitamin D protects neurons and reduces inflammation.
Majority of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. “Over the past several years, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased risk for such brain-related disorders as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and even dementia. With reference to the latter, a new study published in the journal Neurology, correlated low levels of vitamin D to increased risk of developing dementia to a far greater degree then anyone had predicted.” Dr. David Perlmutter, MD.
D3 2000 – contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in convenient softgels. Vitamin D3 is the bioidentical form of vitamin D synthesized in the body from cholesterol, following activation by the UV rays in sunlight. This form is excellent for maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D in the body. Mounting evidence suggests roles for vitamin D not only in bone health, but also in supporting immune, neurological, musculoskeletal, cellular, and cardiovascular health.
- Supports bone strength and dental health
- Supports modulation of immune function
- Supports healthy cell differentiation
- Supports neurologic and cognitive health
- Supports musculoskeletal comfort
- Supports cardiovascular health and healthy blood sugar metabolism
- Supports Vitamin D repletion in cases of dietary deficiency, limited sunlight exposure, or use of depleting therapies
Brain Bonuses:
Recovery – Is an innovative formula in the form of cherry-flavored, powdered drink mix. It contains a blend of ingredients that supports the body’s natural synthesis of catecholamines (hormones produced by the stress/adrenal glands), the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, hormonal balance, and healthy glucose metabolism. Recovery aims to promote a calm, relaxed, well-balanced emotional and physiological state.
- Supports relaxed mood
- Supports inhibitory neurotransmitter and second messenger functions
- Supports neurotransmitter balance and neuronal stabilization
- Supports healthy blood pressure levels already within normal range
- Addresses brain osmotic regulation, glial (nervous system support cells) cell function, and effective neuronal transmission
It is incredibly important for your brain and overall function and wellbeing of your body to make sure you are eating a healthy breakfast that will boost your energy and provide great mental focus as you take on your day. Preparing and taking the time to eat such a breakfast that is high in good fats and proteins, is not always doable. Below are my favorite meal replacements that work as a great substition for those busy mornings. They also can be used as an afternoon snack before your kids go on to practice if they’re involved in sports. It’s easy and convenient, and most importantly….it’s healthy!
Elite – Represents an extraordinary breakthrough in body composition/weight management functional food formulas.
Our medical board of advisors’ primary objective in researching and developing Elite was to find a pure source of quality whey protein that is free of genetically-engineered hormones (rBST and rBGH) which, though banned in other countries, are used in the United States dairy industry. There are growing concerns regarding the effects of these hormones, especially in early puberty.
After a thorough review, our researchers determined that the stringent standards imposed by the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) upon New Zealand dairy farmers results in the purest and most bioactive whey protein available. In addition to prohibiting the use of synthetic hormones in New Zealand’s dairy industry, MAF-mandated feeding, climate, and calf-birthing practices further contribute to the superior quality of New Zealand’s whey protein. Although importing New Zealand whey protein into the United States is more costly, our board of advisors recommended that Elite must contain 100% pure New Zealand whey protein.
- Supports healthy body composition
- Supports immune health
- Supports normal muscle recovery following exercise
- Supports gastrointestinal health
- Contributes to macro-nutrition
Vegan -Is an easy-to-mix functional food for vegans, individuals sensitive or allergic to soy and/or dairy, or anyone seeking an alternative source of quality protein. Vegan features a proprietary protein blend of all-natural rice and pea protein for a complete amino acid profile.
The pea protein isolate in Vegan is rich in lysine and arginine. Lysine is of particular interest in weight control because it helps maintain lean body mass. Arginine is essential to weight control for its ability to help increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Pea protein has the highest lysine concentration (7.2%) of all vegetable-based proteins and the highest arginine concentration (8.7%) among all commercially available proteins.
Easy-to-digest Vegan features a full complement of amino acids, including branched-chain amino acid.
- Supports healthy body composition
- Supports immune health
- Supports post-exercise recovery
- Supports healthy glucose metabolism
- Supports gastrointestinal health
- Contributes to macro-Nutrition
Stay tuned for next week’s blog about other strategies for optimizing brain health! All of the above mentioned products can be found and purchased through PureShock Nutrition. We offer pharmaceutical/professional grade nutrition you won’t find anywhere else. Visit our site for more about the quality of our nutrition. And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or the office at 720-577-5776.