Over the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing what methylation is, what the impact on your health is as a result from having methylation dysfunction and a great way to support proper methylation. Today, I’m going to explain the many ways methylation dysfunction actually occurs.
So what causes Methylation Dysfunction anyway? Currently, science agrees that the following 8 factors impact your body’s ability to methylate. I believe, this list will continue to grow with the more we understand the process of methylation.
- Genetics – Approximately 39% of the population has a genetic fault (MTHFR) that results in the ability to properly methylate. There is genetic testing available to determine if this is you.
- Poor Diet – If your diet is lacking in plenty of leafy greens, fruits, beans and whole grains, you may not be getting enough of vitamins B6, B12, betaine (Trimethylglycine) and folate. Egg yolks, meat, liver and oily fish are main dietary sources of B12 so long-term vegan diets can be a problem. Excess sugars, coffee and alcohol can raise homocysteine levels meanwhile depleting B vitamins.
- Smoking – Vitamin B6 becomes inactivated when it comes into contact with carbon monoxide.
- Malabsorption – The inability to absorb the vital nutrients required for proper methylation can result from digestive diseases, food allergies and even aging.
- Decreased Stomach Acid – B12 will not adequately be absorbed if stomach acid levels are too low. This can result from aging and other conditions that reduce stomach acid.
- Medications – Many medicatioins can impact levels of B vitamins and many other important nutrients for that matter for a number of reasons.
- Toxin Build-Up – Unfortunately, our environment is continuing to become more and more toxic. These toxins get absorbed through our skin, breathed in and ingested in the foods we consume. Too many toxins in the system can effect the production/absorption/utilization of many vitamins and ultimately negatively effect many organ systems keeping them from functioning at optimal levels. There are ways to decrease your exposure but doing quarterly detox’s is the best way to avoid toxicity.
- Other Conditions – Hypothyroidism, kidney failure or only having one kidney, cancer and pregnancy all impact your body’s ability to properly methylate as well.
If you can keep these factors to a minimal, you will greatly increase your body’s chance at methylating properly. In addition to avoiding the above, the best advice for supporting proper methylation would include a diet full of dark leafy green veggies, increasing the B vitamins in your diet, minimizing sugars, avoiding processed foods and canned foods, minimizing caffiene and alcohol, don’t smoke, avoid medications whenever possible, keep your gut healthy and supplement with folic acid, B6, B12 and Betaine (Trimethylglycine). My favorite product for supporting proper methylation is PureShock’s Methyl.
If you’re looking for an excellent methylation support supplement
here’s our favorite:
Comprehensive Methylation Support
- Supports Detoxification
- Supports Muscle And Bone Health
- Supports and Maintains Cardiovascular Health
- Supports Healthy Methylation – (of Estrogen, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Heavy Metals, and Environmental Toxins)
- Supports Eye Health