During exercise, everyone loses electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium & Magnesium) through sweat.  Studies have shown just a 5% decrease in hydration can impede athletic & academic performance by as much as 30%![1]  Another study suggested that 97% of Americans are dehydrated & their thirst reflex is so weak it’s mistaken for being hungry.  With the growing number of hydration formulas out there, how do you know which is the safest and best for you and your family members?

Electrolytes help assist in fluid & carbohydrate uptake in the gut.  They help keep our muscle cells hydrated & fully functioning & also assist in the communication between nerves (transmission of nerve impulses).

Low electrolyte levels can cause muscle fatigue, cramping and burn out.  Excessive water consumption without adequately replacing electrolytes can lead to hyponatremia, which can be a life-threatening condition.

Consuming electrolytes during exercise ensures maintaining water balance, prevents muscle cramping & fatigue & keeps energy levels sustained.

PureShock Hydrate is One of a Kind

PureShock Hydrate contains unique, extremely beneficial ingredients to help you unleash your potential & keep going strong all day long!  Here’s the breakdown:

Temperatures are increasing and people are being more and more active outdoors.  Don’t neglect the importance of proper hydration, which includes replacing much needed electrolytes with PureShock Hydrate.

Shop Now!



  1. http://www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/dehydration-and-its-effects-on-performance

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